Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Baby Momma Thyroid Drama
Well the results from the blood work and ultrasound came back as a mixed bag. Blood work all looked normal (well as normal as a triplet pregnancy can be), however the ultrasound showed that there was a goiter on the left side of Danielle’s neck that was large enough that the doctor wanted to biopsy. We were very concerned because we found this news out last Wednesday, and Friday he was leaving to go out of the country and wouldn't be back to do it until the end of June. So WebMD to the rescue! All that really did was make things way worse; research shows that when goiters are found during pregnancy there is a higher risk of it be cancerous. (so after of day of Danielle making her end of life preparations) I called the doctor and spoke to get more details, he said that since the blood work was good, and the shape was round he believes that it poses no threat. So repeat labs and biopsy at the end of June.
I may have spoke too soon about quitting my second job as a doctor finder because it’s a full time job keeping up with all these appointments with all the different doctors we have on the roster. We are entering the 20th week, which means that we are at bi-weekly appointments with Dr. Z, monthly (I guess we really don’t know) with Dr. Cutler, and monthly with Dr. Endocrinology (bi-weekly at 30 weeks).
Dr. Z is Tuesday June 5th, so 2 hours of facetime with Harper, Sophia, and Emma; very excited to see how much they have grown, so a lot more updates then and pictures, and I may post a highlight video.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Well it’s the middle of the road...
It’s our 17th week (I’m posting a week late because we have been so busy) and it’s the middle of our pregnancy (34 weeks)!
Topics to blog about:
- We have finally have a solid answer on baby names (and some meaning behind them)
- Danielle’s thyroid issue that is putting a kink into things,
- Our obsession with watching “Making Room for Multiples”
- Danielle’s Torpedo Belly
- Our entry way/Nursery
- Georgia’s 2nd Birthday
Baby Names!
From this day forth Baby A will always be Harper Ann, HAV for short because (writing all these kids names will take too long). Harper is unrelated, but Ann is for my mother-in-law, her middle name is Ann, and her mother’s middle name is Ann, and since Georgia Lynn is after my mother, she has already laid claim to baby A’s middle name. (I just broke my rule) Harper’s middle name.
Baby B will be Sophia Grace, SGV, Sophia is somewhat of a family name, one of my favorite* aunts in Hawaii is named Sophie (well Auntie Sophie), and doesn’t Grace just sound great with it.
*Disclaimer: All my aunts are my favorite
Baby C will be Emma Claire ECV. Emma is my late grandmother’s name and a name that we always wanted to use and we are now able to do so. She also reminds us most of Georgia via ultrasound than any of the other babies, so she may turn into my Mini-Georgia.
Thyroid Troubles
Second round of testing came back bad for Danielle, so we have added another doctor to the list of doctor’s that we have on our vast list of specialists. We were told not to worry about it because the test was taken too early from the Medical Center of Plano doctor, however when we did it at the correct time the numbers were completely different however still abnormal. So, Dr. Cutler sent us to an Endocrinologist for more testing and ultrasounds, so we will find out this week if she has to take any medications. So, we are just going to have to research what we should be checking this month and telling them what to do and be our own advocate for care. This issue may force us to have to be hospitalized for a time before the triplets are born. We should know more this week, but with multiples everything can change in a week.
Thank you TLC for “Making Room for Multiples”
We have the DVR set up to record every episode of this show, granted we delete the twin shows, but we study and re-watch the triplet one every time one is on. We watch how they look, what medical issues they are having, when they are born, how long they spend in the NICU, what they drive, how much do they weight, what they wear in the NICU, what car seat they have, where they sleep, and how messy their house is after they are all home. We literally break everything down in order to “try” (I just Lol’d when I typed that) to get ready for life to come. It’s becoming very clear that even at 34 weeks that every triplet that we have watched has had to spend time in the NICU, so we are starting to think that having the triplets at Texoma Medical Center may not be possible, and we are really thinking about opting for Presbyterian Plano when it comes down to it unless we can get to the 35-36 week mark. Planning is part of my nature and it’s something that I do to try and have some control of this situation, however it’s becoming more and more apparent that I can try all I want, things are not in my control!
Danielle’s Torpedo
Danielle has that pregnant look to her, and I guess she should she is pregnant with triplets! I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a jerk and I of course think my wife is beautiful always, but she is over the top when she is pregnant. It’s a look that just suits her to a tee! Danielle refuses to have a picture taken of her right now so pictures to come later.
I should buy stock in Graco
Our entry way has become a stock room/nursery! I really need to move my office so that we have a place to put everything, even though I think that room would still be too small! We have three car seats, a pack-n-play, a dresser and Georgia’s birthday gift. So we are slowly building up stuff that will one day seal us into the house, LOL. This week the three bouncy seats will be here so I have got to get some solution together this week.
Georgia’s 2nd Birthday
The big day is quickly coming up and it’s bittersweet, I can’t believe she is about to be 2, although I’m ready to leave the terrible twos behind and get to another stage with her. We are getting everything ready for her party which will be done in Curious George. She demands that we watch the show ALL DAY.
Also I fixed the blog so you can leave comments now without having to have an account. Until the next Dr. Z appointment on June 5th everyone have a great day!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Is that 18oz of baby in your belly, or are you just happy to see me?
Our appointment went better than expected; we had a little scare last week with some test results that we got back from “the clinic”, but once we had a trained competent doctor review everything (that didn’t train to also be a zoo keeper) it wasn’t anything to even worry about or test for. We received a call on Friday from the Medical Center of Plano, letting us know that Danielle’s TSH level was dangerously low and that we needed to start medication and see a specialist right away. Well that test was completed at 12 weeks, and here we are at 16 weeks and we are just now getting the results back? So anyway we tell them to send everything to our doctor and informed them that we wouldn’t be seen in that clinic again. So Dr. Cutler re-did the test yesterday just to check, but both Dr. Cutler, and Dr. Z doesn’t think there is anything wrong, it’s normal for a woman pregnant with triplets to have low TSH. (Thyroid stimulating hormone).
(PS by “the clinic” I’m not talking about an abortion clinic, I’m talking about the Medicaid/Nightmare Clinic at MCOP)
Also apparently the clinic that we saw was very proud to have us as patients because they have been telling everyone that we were using their clinic, and thanking Dr. Z for sending us to them, and talking about us with his wife, (a hospitalist OB/GYN at Medical Center of Plano). We feel like we are a circus act when we go there, so I’m glad that we aren’t anymore. Dr. Z was horrified when he received that call, he said that we would never send us there and we all had a good laugh about how we are just “fish out of water” once we leave Grayson County about how the doctors/clinics are set up and work.
The spending marathon has begun, we wanted to wait and double/triple check that we were in fact having three girls, well it has been confirmed, all three are 100% girls. So today we went and spent $500 on car seats for the girls, we had to get ones that would hold a preemie, so options were limited which equals expensive. We got the Graco Myride 30 in Jacqueline print for you ladies interested in the print style of the car seats. We still have a lot more to get but we have officially kicked off what we are calling the “Baby Bankruptcy”!
On to baby stats, all of the babies weigh 6oz each, with just a few grams separating them from each other, and all of them in the 16w5d -17w0d range. There are a total of 30 fingers (which they like to show off and wave and point with), 30 toes, and 12 arms and legs. Heartbeats were great and everything is on track so far. Danielle’s cervix is were it needs to be so no bed rest at this time. We will start seeing Dr. Cutler every two weeks for a cervix check, and Dr. Z every 4 weeks for growth checks, so basically every two weeks these kids will be on camera! Danielle has gained 8 pounds over all of the 24 that she was suppose to gain, but since the babies are doing fine he isn’t worried about anything.
Everything is coming together very well for us right now, we have our plan in place. Dr. Z and Dr. Cutler trained together at Parkland and both can’t praise the other enough, we both were a little worried about Dr. Cutler being fairly new but Dr. Z has complete confidence in him, and from our interactions and conversations we feel like we have made the best choice. It’s nice to have a team support you and give you the facts without trying to scare you into doing something that you don’t want to do.
Baby Names- HELP! We can’t come up with any, it’s been such a pain in the butt so we are taking suggestions, and please be aware that any that you give can be used at anytime, so don’t get mad if we steal a name you throw out there!
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