Before we start all of the third trimester updates, we need to go back to the 15th of July and Danielle’s baby shower for Harper, Sophia, and Emma. It was a great day with great people, my (Josh) mom and Tabitha threw us a great shower, and we were so happy to see everyone and Danielle was thrilled looking over all the baby stuff (in threes!). So a big thank you for all that attended, both for the support and the amazing gifts!
S.H.E's Cakes |
Shower Games |
Triplet Fruit Platter by Tabitha :) |
26 Weeks |
Last week we had Danielle’s maternity photos and Georgia’s two year photos done by our friend Jackie Miller at and she did a great job! Danielle doesn’t like taking pictures of herself but she looks amazing, and I can’t believe how much bigger Georgia has gotten in just one year; she is so beautiful. Georgia is having some more photos done by Brittany Jackson at this weekend, so we are so lucky to have such talented friends to take all these pictures for us. (We are terrible about taking pictures with our Iphones and never doing anything with them other then posting them on Facebook.) Both are great photographers so you should check them out when you need pictures!
27 Weeks |
27 Weeks |
We celebrated Georgia’s 2nd birthday this weekend and thought it would be a great idea to have an outdoor sprinkler/pool party…EPIC FAILURE! Even with the kids in the water it was way too hot and the parents were the 1st to melt, so we retreated to the living room for gifts and cake (and of course the A/C). Last year we had a big blow out for her 1st birthday and the goal was to have a much smaller party since Danielle wasn’t going to be able to move around as well. Well it ended up being just as big as last year, but Georgia had a blast, raked in the loot, and I even think the parents enjoyed themselves, so overall it was a winner. So next year, remind me that it’s not going to be ok to have an outdoor party at the end of July in Texas, even with a pool and sprinkler!
Curious George! |

We are officially in the third trimester! Today we are at 28 weeks and 3 days and the countdown begins. It’s so strange to think that if we were still having quads we would have had our babies last week, I can’t even imagine! Dr. Z’s appointment was today, all the babies are so big, each are bigger than a normal singleton, we are so blessed and Dr. Z (and I agree) that Danielle would win a gold metal in triplet making! He can’t believe how well and great she is doing; her body is made to carry these triplets. He joked today and said at this rate she could go to 39 weeks, after he said that I think Danielle may have had tears in her eyes. She is in a lot of pain now, and not getting very good sleep anymore so even though bed rest isn’t ordered, it’s time for her to stop and get laid up! I told her yesterday at Wal-Mart that this would be her last WM trip until after the babies were here; which she disagreed with until about 30 minutes into the trip. Back to the appointment, Harper (A) is now the smallest at 2lb14oz, Sophia (B) at 3lb2oz, and Emma ( C ) at 3lb4oz; that’s over 9 pounds of just baby! Cervix is long (over 5mm) so really she can hold out until she is ready to delivery these babies. We asked him about the delivery today to get his opinion on hospital and let him know about our plan. He is very confident that we will have no problem getting the triplets to 4lb8oz (Texoma Medical Center requirement) by 32-33 weeks (TMC/Dr. C wants us at 34-35 weeks), and he didn’t have a problem with us having them there until we mentioned that it had been over 20 years since TMC has had a triplet delivery. That was the same reason he told us not to have the triplets the new Baylor McKinney, he wants a staff that has experience with triplets. So we are torn with what to do now, TMC would be the best option since we will be close to home, but I think the choice will be made for us so there is no point in trying to plan for it now! Really wasn’t able to get a good picture of the triplets, and it’s really had to see what’s what in there now anyways. The next appointment with Dr. Z is a month away since growth is great and cervix is great, may start seeing Dr. C once a week but we will see after our next appointment what he wants us to do.
Oh and today (7/30) is my Georgia's birthday :)